It's already been a few days, but the $5,000 goal has been reached! HUGE thank you to you, your family, and everyone else who has supported. We finally have enough to finish the trip, which is perfect seeing that we only have 10 days left!
You really made this happen.
I'm working with SAFE to see if there's anyway that extra funds, after the trip is over, can be donated to help deprogramming victims get back on their feet. Your making a world of difference. Thank you for being a part of the dream! It wouldnt be half as exciting if I didn't have you to share it with. Thank you so much.
All the best,
Seijin Tranberg
ReplyDeleteI believe you are doing a great service to not only Japanese members of the Unification Church, but to the entire country of Japan, and, for that matter, to the entire world. I am a pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church here in Tempe, Arizona, where you will be this morning (I write this only a couple of hours before you will be at ASU today). The Seventh-day Adventist Church has traditionally championed the cause of religious freedom and expression and I applaud you. There is a plethora of faiths today with various doctrines and practices that, in many cases are similar, and other cases or opposing. I believe that the right to live, act, and worship should be based on an individual's conscience, regardless of the existence of agreement or not, and is the reason why the U.S. has been such a haven. You and I, for example, have differences in teachings and interpretation of the Christian Scriptures ("old" and "new" testament), but you, as well as I, should have the right to follow the dictates of our own consciences in matters of worship without the fear of being "deprogrammed" or breaking a civil law that states in whom or what and how we should worship. Religious convictions are the domain of the conscience and should be given the freedom of expression as we have in the U.S. and other countries. Again, I applaud you, admire your efforts, and wish you God's blessings. Pastor Ray Navarro, Tempe Seventh-day Adventist Church, Arizona.
Seijin and Josh, it was a pleasure to participate in your ralley at Arizona State University. As I told you in my speech, you are Rays of Hope for healing and religious equality. Your inspiring journey and message is making a difference in the world. I hope that you enjoy my Ray of Hope for Peace book about my Cycling for Peace journey in the aftermath of the 9-11 events. God speed and many blessings on your journey. Ray Madaghiele
ReplyDeleteOportunidade de empréstimo oferecida pelo Sr. Benjamin que salvou minha família da servidão financeira { /}
ReplyDeleteOlá pessoal, eu sou Putri Adiratna, mãe solteira de Jacarta, gostaria de compartilhar este grande testemunho de como obtive um empréstimo do Sr. Benjamin, quando fomos expulsos de nossa casa quando não consegui mais pagar minhas contas, depois sendo enganado por várias empresas on-line e negado um empréstimo do meu banco e de alguma outra cooperativa de crédito que visitei. Meus filhos foram levados pelo orfanato, eu estava sozinho na rua. O dia em que vergonhosamente entrei em um colega da velha escola que me apresentou a Daisy Maureen. No começo, eu disse a ela que não estava mais pronta para correr o risco de solicitar um empréstimo on-line, mas ela garantiu que eu receberei meu empréstimo com eles. Pensando bem, devido à minha falta de moradia, tive que fazer um teste e solicitar o empréstimo, felizmente para mim recebi um empréstimo de US $ 80.000,00 do Sr. Benjamin. Estou feliz por ter assumido o risco e solicitado o empréstimo. Meus filhos me foram devolvidos e agora eu tenho uma casa e um negócio próprio. Agradeço e agradeço ao Le_Meridian Funding Service e pela ajuda do Sr. Benjamin por me dar um sentido à vida quando perdi toda a esperança. Se você está atualmente buscando assistência para empréstimo, pode contatá-los via: { /} ou WhatsApp + 1-989-394-3740
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